THE RED BOOK published
Red List of the Algarve Artisanal Activities translates into a book format a research and inventory work that we conducted in the first semester of 2021 about the degree of risk of 26 traditional arts in the Algarve, involving 174 artisans, 16 municipalities and 4 craft associations in the region.
The book consists of two parts. The first part presents the study itself, the methodology used, the criteria for assessing the degree of risk, the results obtained from the processing of the information and the recommendations made to safeguard these arts. The second part gives a characterization of each craft, based on the information collected.
It was a great satisfaction to coordinate and carry out this work, something we have been defending for a long time, and we congratulate CCDR Algarve for having found the opportunity to do so within the scope of project 0752_MAGALLANES_ICC_5_E, Magellan Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries Enterprise.
We consider it essential to know more about the reality of the crafts that are part of the Algarve’s cultural heritage, in order to be able to design adequate measures to safeguard them.
It is our conviction that this will be an important step to raise the awareness of the community and public entities in relation to the risk of disappearance of traditional arts, resulting from the advanced age of artisans or the loss of usefulness of some objects, but especially the social and economic devaluation that many of these activities have suffered.
This book is therefore, and more than anything, a working tool for taking action to safeguard craft activities, even those that were assessed as viable at the time of the study, because all the trades we have investigated are subject to many fragilities and can move into the “red” part of the list in a few years.
We highlight some warning signs from the results: 14 out of the 26 activities are in need of urgent safeguarding and 1 is already classified as defunct; the overall average of the 174 craftsmen is 64 years old (in some activities it is over 70 years old); the main threat factors identified by the craftsmen are the insufficient economic viability of the activity, little interest from the market and constraints in passing on knowledge.
There is much more to say about the study, but the best thing is to consult it. The books are with the CCDR Algarve and it is from this entity that they should be requested. The information we have is that they will also be available in ebook format in the digital library of this entity. For the time being, it is possible to consult the PDF on the Algarve Regional Cultural Directorate’s website.
We want to thank the team that carried out this work in a particularly difficult context with all the limitations imposed by the pandemic and the tight deadlines of the project. Also to the Technical and Scientific Committee that was immediately available to collaborate with us, giving contributions and validating the various stages of the process. And especially to the craftsmen and entities who gave their time and information without which we could not have got here.
GENERAL COORDINATION: Graça Palma and João Ministro – Proactivetur Unipessoal, Lda.
RESEARCH: Graça Palma, Susana Calado Martins and Vitória Horta
Scientific Guidance: Miguel Reimão Costa – CEAACP/UAlg
António Palma – IEFP
Clara Bertrand Cabral – UNESCO National Commission
Cristina Fé Santos – Cultural Heritage Technician
Fernando Gaspar and Luís Rocha – CEARTE
Graça Lobo – Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve
Paulo Ferreira Costa – DGPC – National Museum of Ethnology/Museum of Popular Art